Game Development Projects
Mathematical and Computational Research Online Lecture Series, Tutoring, and Help

About My Projects

My projects are my personal way to give the world something that is of my own but, to teach the world through. Since I was 6, I had the dreams of becoming a game developer and scientist. Over the years I have been teaching myself the ways of graphics, music, coding, theory, and the understanding of the beauty of this science and art. I am still learning even through all this and everyday is a new lesson.

My personal philosophy with games are that a game should be fun, have a way to grab the imagination of someone and teach a lesson within it's core even if someone doesn't notice this lesson. I personally find the use of extreme amounts of gore, sexual content, and blood to be not how a great game should be made. It is my methodology to make something that from any age be child to senior can pick up the game and enjoy it and captivate themselves in the amazing worlds and story, just like games did for me when I was young.

I hope you enjoy my work, and be well assured I love assistance. I do my work with vast arrays of talents be composers, artists, and programmers. If you are an artist, composer who wants practice or a way to get your work out there through my projects it is my personal goal to assist you!

Have a beautiful day!

Daniel Page

PageWizard Games 


About My Projects

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